Educação Infantil

Elementary School


The elementary school is located in an area of native woodland. The classrooms have plenty of natural light and offer a view of the trees. It is a space designed to encourage learning, contact with nature, socialising and movement.

Deutsche Schule Curitiba offers a school curriculum based on multilingualism, multiculturalism and logical-mathematical reasoning, appropriately using technology. The Pedagogical Team boosts curiosity, investigation, co-operative work and the socio-emotional development of the students. We encourage students to think critically and improve their communication skills, learning to respect different points of view and stances.

Pedagogical proposal


Elementary school continues the work started in kindergarten. The German language is still part of the school routine, as is logical-mathematical reasoning.

Games and playing are learning tools used at this stage of education and put to use. Music, dance, theatre, art, literature and sport complement the curriculum with equal importance. Stimulating students' creativity is part of Deutsche Schule Curitiba's teaching programme and everyday school life.

Students are motivated to gradually take on more responsibility within the learning process. Autonomy, individuality and socio-emotional development are strongly integrated into this process.

Through co-operative working and learning techniques, we seek to strengthen the sense of collectivity and solidarity among members of the school community.

The elementary school curriculum follows Brazilian legislation and is also based on the school curriculum of the German state of Baden Württemberg.  In addition to specific additional language classes (German and English), our curriculum also includes subjects taught exclusively in German. Deutsche Schule Curitiba is therefore a recognised bilingual school.

In 1st grade, literacy begins in German using the phonic method of key words. Pupils, who have been used to hearing the German language every day since kindergarten, broaden their horizons by learning to read and write, as well as deepening their logic in mathematics, a subject also taught in German. Since it is the transition year between kindergarten and elementary school, the workload of the 1st grade is 25 school-hours a week.

In addition to the subjects in the national core curriculum and the German language, other subjects in German are part of the programme from 2nd to 9th grade, which consists of 40 school-hours of lessons per week. From the 3rd year onwards, English is part of the curriculum.

Students are prepared to take official proficiency tests in both English and German. The opportunity to finish elementary school with proficiency in both languages and with official diplomas is a great advantage of Deutsche Schule Curitiba.

to see the elementary school curriculum.
to find out more about our STEAM project.

SCHEDULE - 1st year

Morning shift

Start: 7:45am
End: noon

Afternoon shift

Start: 1pm
End: 5:15pm

SCHEDULES - 2nd to 9th grade

Fulltime schedule

Start: 7:45am
End: 3:15pm

Optional additional school services

We offer the following services
  1. Optional morning and afternoon full time-classes (for 1st graders)
  2. Optional after-school hours from 3:15 to 5:15pm (for 2nd to 5th graders)
  3. Lunch
  4. Extra-curricular classes
  5. Clubs

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